LBL Lighting HA337CRSC1A35MR2 Dimensions Rail Chandelier Monorail

✚✚✚ LBL Lighting HA337CRSC1A35MR2 Dimensions Rail Chandelier Monorail

Diffuser:Clear, Finish:Satin Nickel, Light Bulb:(1)35w MR11 GZ4 12v Halogen, Mounting:2-circuit Monorail Large, optically pure Swarovski crystal illuminated by a halogen light. Mounts up or down. Monorail option fits chandelier frames.

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LBL Lighting HA337CRSC1A35MR2 Dimensions Rail Chandelier Monorail - Diffuser:Clear, Finish:Satin Nickel, Light Bulb:(1)35w MR11 GZ4 12v Halogen, Mounting:2-circuit Monorail Large, optically pure Swarovski crystal illuminated by a halogen light. Mounts up or down. Monorail option fits chandelier frames..


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