ETM GFI/ER Floating Reamer Collet Chuck - 1" Straight Shank Shank Length : 3.15" COLLET SIZE: ER-32

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ETM GFI/ER Floating Reamer Collet Chuck - 1" Straight Shank Shank Length : 3.15" COLLET SIZE: ER-32

Product By : ETM

ETM GFI/ER Floating Reamer Collet Chuck - 1" Straight Shank Shank Length : 3.15" COLLET SIZE: ER-32 . Radial floating mechanism compensates for misalignment between reamer and workpiece. A unique ball bearing and axle drive shaft structure allows both smooth vertical and horizontal operation under high torque in reaming. The GFI Floating Chuck is a unique holder to compensate for the radial misalignment existing in the reaming operations carried out on vertical and horizontal machine tools. The GFI Chuck perfectly adjusts the alignment between the reamer and the workpiece hole and ensures the same accuracy as the reamer itself.

  • Practical and efficient reamer holding by using ER collets.
  • A unique self centering mechanism eliminates "tapered & oversized" holes.
  • Range: .0787"-.7874" Projection Length: 3.03"
  • Overall Length: 6.18"
  • Nut Diameter|Decimal Inch: 1.97"
  • Many instructions
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